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Benefits for UNC Employees

The University provides a wide range of benefits for its employees.  Although many of these benefits are shared by all employee classes, some are determined by the employee's position classification (i.e. Faculty, Professional Administrator, or State Classified staff) and full or part-time status.

Medical, Leave and Retirement: Look under Classified, Faculty or Professional Administrative Staff for further details on medical, leave, and retirement benefits.

New Benefits Highlight

Beginning Spring of 2022, UNC will pay for the first year of SAVI - the Student Loan Forgiveness Assistance program. 

Visit the SAVI Page

Recognition Awards

The University understands the importance of outstanding contributions to the campus community. Several recognition awards for all employee classes are given throughout the year from the State of Colorado, the university, or professional organizations representing the employees.

Tuition Grants for Employees and Dependents

Dependents and Spouses of UNC Employees who are employed as .5 FTE or above eligible for Dependent Tuition Grants. Dependent Tuition Grants will cover a portion of in-state tuition charges as long as Satisfactory Academic Progress is being made. Undergraduate students must register for the College Opportunity Fund and FAFSA to receive the grant.  For further details on requirements or forms for the grants, contact Human Resources at human.resources@muurausahvenlampi.com. Complete detailed information can also be found in the UNC Board Policy Manual, Sections 2-2-408 and 2-2-408(2). As of July 1, 2018, the tuition waivers will no longer cover the MBA program at Monfort College of Business. As of July 1, 2019, the dependent tuition waiver no longer covers any graduate level courses, programs, degrees or certificates. The dependent waiver is only available for undergraduate level courses.

 Tuition Grant Paperwork

Tuition Grant FAQ

Modified Summer Schedule

Employees enjoy half-day Fridays during the summer. For 2024, the modified schedule will begin Friday, May 10, 2024 and end Friday, July 26, 2024. For more information on the details, including employees who need to be on campus to support students, please visit our Modified Summer Workweek Guide

Other Employee Benefits

Per the CAA, the machine readable files link: http://www.anthem.com/machine-readable-file/search/